Everyone is eagerly waiting for the premiere of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 11' hosted by Bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty. The contestants are back in India after completing their shoot in Cape Town. Slowly and steadily, after completing their quarantine, they are returning to their families and normal life. One amongst those is Television actor Arjun Bijlani who recently got a pleasant surprise from his wife Neha Bijlani. The video of the same was shared by Neha on her Instagram handle that gave a glimpse of what happened when he returned home after 7 days of quarantine. Alongside, in the caption, she wrote, "Welcome home arjun no words can express how much we missed you, our happiness lies there where you are, we love you @arjunbijlani welcome back home baby after 45 + 7days uffff…"
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