Veteran Television actress Tarla Joshi, known for playing the role of Badi Beeji in daily soap 'Ek Hazaron Mein Mein Meri Behna Hai' passed away on Sunday morning. The reason behind her death is being reported as heart attack. As soon as the shocking news of her demise spread, a lot of celebrities who were her co-stars in the show including Nia Sharma, Kushal Tandon Krystle D'Souza, and Anju Mahendroo took to social media and poured condolences. They expressed their shock by sharing some throwback pictures from the shooting of the show. Nia shared a fan page post on Instagram and wrote, "RIP Badi Beeji You will be missed…(with a heart emoji)."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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