Being a mother is a great blessing and actress-model Mandira Bedi is sailing in the same boat as she welcomed her four-year-old daughter through adoption. Taking to Instagram, she shared an emotional post along with a photo of her daughter whom she named Tara Bedi Kaushal leaving her fans super happy. For the unversed, the DDLJ actress and husband Raj Kaushal are also parents to 9-year-old son Vir. Taking to the photo-sharing application, Mandira wrote alongside, "She has come to us... like a blessing from above... our little girl, Tara. Four years and a bit... with eyes that sparkle like stars... sister to her Vir. Welcoming her home... With open arms and pure love. Grateful, thankful. blessed. Tara Bedi Kaushal. Became a part of our family on 28th July 2020."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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