Actress Luviena Lodh has alleged that filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has been trying to evict her from her house since she filed a case against him. Sharing a video on Instagram, Luviena claimed that the Bhatt are into drugs and have been supplying the same to other actors as well. She alleged that actors Amyra Dastur and Sapna Pabbi are among Bollywood stars to whom her husband Sumit Sabharwal regularly supplied drugs. She said, "Mahesh Bhatt is the biggest don of the industry. If you don't play by his rules, he destroys your career and life." Furthermore, she stated if anything happens to her or her family, Mahesh Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatt, Sumit Sabharwal, Sahil Sehgal, and Kumkum Sehgal should be considered responsible for it.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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