Due to the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown in the country, actor Ayushmann Khurrana has become quite active on social media just like many other Bollywood celebrities. The 'Dream Girl' actor who is quarantining with his wife Tahira Kashyap and his kids Virajveer and Varushka treats fans with photos, poetry, songs, and a sneak peek into his quarantine life. Not only this, sometime back he even shared a video of a challenge with wife and made fans go gaga over their chemistry. But that's not all! Just like many others like Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma, and Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone, Ayushmann-Tahira too have added on their name in the list of celebrities who wore their spouse's clothes. Taking to Instagram, Tahira recently shared a photo of herself juxtaposed with Ayushmann's photograph in which she was seen wearing the same jacket which he wore.
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