Bollywood actor Raj Kapoor, also known as the greatest showman of Hindi cinema once said, "My films and I, to me it is same as saying my beloved and I, or my life’s breath and I, or my purpose and I. To me, my films are all these rolled into one, perhaps more." He inherited the art of acting but made his identity by working hard on his own. The pioneer was the winner of several accolades including 3 National Film Awards and 11 Filmfare Awards in India. For unversed, the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award is named after the legendary actor. Raj Kapoor debuted with Madhubala from the 1947 film Neelkamal after which he appeared in super hit films like Aag, Awara, Shree 420, and gave 8 consecutive super hits with Nargis. He took his last breath on 2 June 1988 at the age of 63 and the reason for his death was heart attack.
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