If there's one filmmaker who has walked down the unconventional path to show the true beauty of cinema, it's none other than living legend Mani Ratnam. Be it in Hindi, Tamil or Malayalam, his films have always set a bar in Indian cinema. He began his career as a director through the 1983 Kannada film Pallavi Anupallavi starring Anil Kapoor. The idea behind joining the film industry came when he got fed up with watching sub-standard Tamil films. Born on June 2, 1955, as Gopala Ratnam Subramaniam, Mani Ratnam is touted as Salman Rushdie of Indian cinema who has touched all the aspects of films. Admired as one of the most magnificent and progressive filmmakers of his time, Mani Ratnam is celebrating his 63rd birthday today. And on the occasion, let's have a look at 5 Bollywood films that ruled our hearts.
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