Amid the Mahabharat craze during the coronavirus lockdown, a video of the show's last day shoot has surfaced on the internet and is now going viral for all the emotional reasons. The entire cast of the popular 80's show right from Mukesh Khanna aka Bheeshma to Roopa Ganguly aka Draupadi can be seen in tears while hugging each other in the viral video.Mahabharat is a television series based on the Hindu epic of the same name. The Mahabharat serial cast is huge and it commenced from October 2, 1988, to June 24, 1990, on DD National. Produced by B.R. Chopra and helmed by Ravi Chopra, the much-acclaimed series is back on Doordarshan now. It unfolds the story of the feud between the Pandava princes and their cousins-Kaurava princes. Here's a look at the iconic Mahabharat cast.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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