Shahid Kapoor has stepped into the shoes of Vijay Deverakonda for Arjun Reddy's Hindi remake titled Kabir Singh. Kiara Advani has been paired opposite him to play the role of his love interest Preeti. The film is being directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who was the original director of Arjun Reddy. Several posters have been dropped, revealing Shahid Kapoor in stubble and a cigarette in his mouth. Shahid is playing the titular role of Kabir Singh, who embarks on a journey of self-destruction and alcoholism after his girlfriend Preeti is married off to someone else. While the teaser has already been release, Kabir Singh's trailer to be launched on May 13. Shahid Kapoor shared another poster from the film and announced the trailer release date.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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