Yash, who won millions of hearts with his performance in the periodic drama KGF: Chapter 1, was blessed with a baby girl in December. The actor and his wife Radhika Pandit have been treating their fans and followers with a sneak peek to their little bundle of joy but haven’t introduced her to the world. However, on Thursday to mark the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, Yash and Radhika took to their Instagram to share the first picture of their daughter with their Insta family. The actor’s wife through her caption revealed that while the couple has not decided on a name yet for their daughter, they want to call her ‘baby YR’ till she gets her official name. There is no denying that ‘Baby YR’ looks as cute as a button and the small bindi on her forehead in the picture makes her all the more adorable. Yash also shared the picture saying, “Presenting to you " The girl who rules my world " Since we haven't named her yet, let's call her baby YR for now….Do shower your love n blessings on her too” Check out the post here-
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