The leading ladies of Student of the Year 2, Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria dropped the first look posters of the film on Thursday. With the posters, they also revealed their character names in the film. While some found the posters to be exciting, there were others who weren't impressed at all with them. The majority of netizens asked the makers of Student of the Year 2, which school has such uniform like Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria are wearing. So far, Tiger Shroff's look has not been dropped. Trolling the makers, fans made jokes on the jazzy clothes both the leading ladies are wearing. While Ananya Panday is seen in a glittery tank top and pink jacket with a pair of white shorts, Tara Sutaria looked glamorous in a pink crop top and silver shorts. Netizens questioned how could anyone wear such clothes to a school.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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