Erica Fernandes, Parth Samthaan don Bengali look for Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, pictures go viral

Ekta Kapoor’s reprisal of Kasautii Zindagii Kay is making a lot of noise on the social media ever since its inception. Its been a couple of months since television’s Czarina announced the sequel of the iconic 2000s TV show and the buzz around is only getting stronger. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 will be having Erica Fernandes and Parth Samthaan stepping into the shoes of Prerna Sharma and Anurag Basu respectively. Reports are rife that Hina Khan has been roped in to play Komolika in the show, however, there’s no official confirmation about it.

from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed

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