Latest Bollywood News and Updates December 13: Last night witnessed two big weddings of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal as well as popular comedian and actor Kapil Sharma with Ginni Chatrath. While the whole Bollywood appeared to shower wishes on Isha Amabni, kapil Sharma tied the knot in Jalandhar with Ginni Chatrath. After the marriage, the comedian shared their pictures from the ceremony looking absolutely stunning. On the other hand, before attending the Ambani wedding, Bollywood divas Priyanka Chopra and Kareena Kapoor Khan shot for the season finale of Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan 6. They looked scintillating as they graced the couch and talked about their filmy career and personal lives. Also superstar Shah Rukh Khan opened up about son Aryan Khan’s big Bollywood debut and revealed that daughter Suhana will train for 3-4 years before her first film.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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