Thugs of Hindostan opened in theatres on Thursday as a special Diwali release. Following the suit from the last year, Aamir Khan presents his most-awaited film this Diwali, however, it wasn’t received well by his loyal fans. Unlike Secret Superstar, Thugs of Hindostan opened to much negative reviews with most of the critics finding the film a below-average Bollywood film. Some even criticised the VFX of the film despite the fact that it was made with a budget of around Rs 300 crores. Yet, Thugs of Hindostan shattered all the records at the box office, becoming the highest opening Bollywood film ever. On its day 1, this Aamir Khan film raked in Rs 52.25 crores, becoming the biggest opener of the year, dethroning Ranbir Kapoor’s Sanju.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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